
Windows PC Download


RIP Flash 1995 – 2020 😦

But flash websites are working to preserve the games, like Kongregate.

An avoidance game in which you control a green square and have to avoid red rectangles for 10 seconds.
Very difficult, probably too difficult. First game I made for flash. A silly game and still has some bugs, but it works like 99%.
Made with Multimedia Fusion 2.

Kongregate: level.break

Newgrounds: level.break

A game made in a 30 hour game-creation-marathon. A hacking game in which you use pseudo-code in a command line to execute commands and solve puzzles.
I actually don't remember how to play this anymore myself \o/ 
Completely command based, it was fun to make it though. We made a bunch of games in a sleep-deprived weekend game jam and sold them all for charity. Good times.
Made with Multimedia Fusion 2.